JoDee Neathery


JoDee Neathery

JoDee Neathery

Suspense, Mystery, Literary Fiction

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  • Member Since

    Nov 2020

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    United States

  • Born

    23 July

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I was born in Southern California and moved at age five to my Dad’s home state of Texas, residing in Midland. After graduating from high school my eyes were on attending a small liberal arts college in Louisiana, majoring in dance with aspirations of a Broadway career. My daddy, whom I adored, set this pipedream aside suggesting that unless I wanted to be a teacher or a nurse, a better option would be to find a job. Thus, my jazz hands were relegated to typing and shorthand with my professional career beginning in the banking industry, moving into public relations executive recruiting until the explosion of the Internet changed the way employers searched for employees.

After my husband retired, we relocated to East Texas where I handled publicity for the Women’s Club and became chairperson of our book club, 86 strong on the e-mail list. “Without the encouragement, prodding, and cheerleading of these members who believed in me before I did, my novel would still be a flight of fancy.”

Oscar Wilde once said, “A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” This dreamer’s dream came full circle with the publication of my literary novel, Life in a Box, debuting July 2017.

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